Sea Island by Wisica


Every year around 130-140 bales of Sea Island cotton are produced, whilst 110 million are produced worldwide. It is an extremely limited production, concentrated in a small handkerchief of land between the islands of Barbados and Jamaica. This is where, due to a steady temperate and humid climate, this fibre can flourish and reach a lenght that no other can compete with.

Since it first arrived in these tiny Caribbean islands, Emilctoni has always made sure to have the rights over an extensive part of the limited Sea Island crop. But because production is so scarce, the very act of buying this cotton can be extremely difficult.

For this reason, in 1932 the Ministry of Agricolture of the United Kingdom, which at the time still had direct control over the Lesser Antilles and other Caribbean Islands, founded the WISICA (West Indian Sea Island Cotton Association) organization, the only official body which can guarantee the authenticity of a fibre and its traceability along the whole of the production chain.

To this end, it has now been a few years that Emilcotoni has equipped itself with the WISICA certificate, so as to protect itself but also its clients, by being able to offer them a unique product which is also safe and a 100% traceable.

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